All posts in " Avoiding Overwhelm "

What dating & delegating have in common

By Michelle

Let’s imagine you have a friend. (Hopefully, this isn’t too hard to imagine because you already have one or more of these for reals.) A single friend lookin’ for love. She’s mostly had good experiences, but goes on this one wildly horrific date. We’re talking sitcom levels of bad. And after that, she swears off dating entirely. She’s going to […]


How to not lose your shit when you move

By Michelle

I’ve moved a lot in my adult life. Like, an honestly ridiculous amount. (Just did a count in my head & the tally is at six times since I turned 19. That’s a little more often than once every eight months on average. Part of me thinks this is a little hilarious since I lived […]


In Search of the Perfect Productivity Tool

By Michelle

(Quick side note: I know I’ve been a little AWOL lately, part of that was just…March – SXSW, moving, and travel, all back to back – and part of it has been a few other things that I talk about in this video. Check it out if you’re curious. Back to our regularly scheduled programming!)  […]


What to do when you’re starting with a tangled mess.

By Michelle

You know how sometimes, you have an idea, and you want to work on it, but you just…can’t…seem…to? It’s like when you’re trying to crochet, and your yarn is a nasty, tangled mess. The yarn is your raw idea – you can’t start using a ball of yarn that’s all tangled. If you try to create […]


Which idea should you start on next?

By Michelle

One of those problems-that’s-kinda-good-to-have is the problem of too many ideas. On the one hand, it’s something of a blessing to have all of these ideas zipping around your head like hyperactive kittens with a ball of string. On the other hand, it can also be headache inducing and give you the paralyzing fear of […]


How to stay on top of *all* of your projects, at a glance

By Michelle

One of the worst things about having multiple projects going on at any given time is knowing where you’re at on all of them. I do use Springpad to organize my projects, but it’s mostly a note-taking/resource-saving tool for me, not necessarily organizing tasks. Enter Trello – a free online project management tool that’s super […]


How to keep your email inbox from eating your brain

By Michelle

You know that barely-discernible-but-definitely-there feeling you get in the back of your head sometimes? Sort of like a high-pitched squeal? Yeah, that’s the sound of your email inbox eating your brain. All of us use email to some extent, and many of us are overwhelmed by it. However, you might not have any idea where […]


Don’t let your projects die: give ’em space to thrive

By Michelle

Let’s say you want to grow a plant. You pick a big ol’ tropical plant, bordering on four feet tall…and then you plant it in a pot that’s six inches across, and expect it to grow well there. Sound likely? No, it doesn’t, does it? However, that’s how many people treat new ideas and projects […]


What rose trellises have to do with your creativity (& your business)

By Michelle

One of my pet peeves is something I see all too regularly: people using stereotypes as a shield. Specifically, stereotypes about themselves. Specifically, this whole “I’m an ARTEEST, I don’t need no stinkin’ structure” thing. Here’s the deal: there is some small amount of people who actually do thrive in complete and utter chaos. A […]


The Power of Pretty

By Michelle

Wanting something to look good often gets a bad rap. Should you buy the plain thing or splurge for the pretty? If you splurge on the pretty, are you going to feel like the extra money was a waste later? In Making Ideas Happen, the authors talk about aesthetics & the idea that attraction breeds […]

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